Mixed piece produced as part of the entrance examination of the MAAAV Master, with the subject of narration of an image from a youth album.
Le Rêve et la Vie
Mixed piece produced as part of the entrance examination of the MAAAV Master, with the subject of narration of an image from a youth album.
La Plante Sensible
Mixed piece produced as part of the entrance examination of the MAAAV Master, with the subject of narration of an image from a youth album.
Doux Exil
Mixed piece produced as part of the entrance examination of the MAAAV Master, with the subject of narration of an image from a youth album.
Le Bois de Chanteloup
Orchestral piece composed for the Museum of Romantic Life in Paris from a painting by Maurice Sand; La Mare au Diable.
Orchestral piece composed from Sophecle's play Electre.
Electronic piece composed from the play Forest Wajdi Mouawad.
Une vie
A dialog between a piano and a clarinet.